dict.cc dictionary

UDDLParser Members

UDDLParser overview

Private Static (Shared) Fields

INDEX_SEPARATORSeparates the keyword part from the translation
SEPARATORSSeparates keywords within the index

Public Instance Constructors

UDDLParser Constructor Initializes the parser for the given handler

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
read (inherited from ParserBase)Extracts indexes from the given stream
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Protected Instance Fields

m_handler (inherited from ParserBase)Handler for retrieving extracted indexes

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 
processLineExtracts indexes from one single dictionary line

See Also

UDDLParser Class | dict Namespace